Hellooo first timers and returning visitors (thanks much for stopping by again),
From the deepest core of my heart, I really wish you are having a wonderful day today! Not really? Relax. Just have faith. There is always a day after every night. Photographically speaking, there is always a sunrise after a sunset!
Ok! Ok! Fine. I will stop with the heavy talks. Hi there! My name is Utathya Roy. Yeah, I read your mind, a quite complicated first name. You can call me Roy. I am an IT professional and based out of the country where my project demands.
My passion for photography was born in Indian Railways. Intriguing right? I was returning home from a science meet and my eyes behind my thick spectacles fell on a square black box hanging from the little finger of a train hawker. It was a Kodak film camera. With almost 'will not be able to afford it' outcome, I asked the price. To my surprise, it was very cheap (yeah , it was defective and I was played) and I bought it with all the money that I had. I had to request my friend's dad to drop me home. I took a lot of pictures with the film roll and when I got the negatives developed, I realised that I was played. There was light leak and all the photos were completely washed out. But I kept the one picture which was to me the best. And I still have it. It is of my first pet!
This is how my photography journey began and will continue by the grace of God and love of all of you out there!!!
Take care and have a blast always! Keep visiting if my photos cheer you up!!🤘🏻🤘🏻